Dr. Cheryl Yanuck’s Forms
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Click the links below to access the forms.
We use the information provided by your current symptoms to identify and correct the causes of your problems, not just mask them. This reduces your disease risk and optimizes your health across your whole lifespan, so you’re more likely to be healthy as you age, out having fun (the high road) instead of hospital visits (the low road). Taking the high road saves money, avoids pain, and gives you the opportunity to do what you want later in life.
Health problems and diseases have multiple causes and impact multiple body systems. These factors relate to each other in a multidimensional matrix that must be understood to provide the most accurate and complete understanding of your case. When your care matches this diagnostic matrix, you are more likely to do better.
This means taking the time, focusing on the details, and doing the research to understand your case in depth.
Surprisingly, the habits of clinical practice can often lag behind the current research by many years. Delivering care based on the current state of the research can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.
We don’t rush to pin a diagnostic name onto your case, then treat that diagnosis. We take the time to understand your case thoroughly and identify key factors that can make the difference between success and failure in case management.